Council planners say no to Muslim school

Dicatat oleh arlisbest 29. des. 2008

A MUSLIM society's plans to build a school in Camden have been dealt a severe blow after the council's experts yesterday recommended against the development on planning grounds.

The Quranic Society Dar Tahfez El-Quran had lodged plans with Camden Council to build a 1200-pupil school at Burragorang Road, Cawdor but drew angry protests from a group called the Committee for Public Affairs Education.

The Herald revealed the group was organised by members of the Reverend Fred Nile's Christian Democratic Party.

Camden Council will meet on Tuesday to decide if the society's plans for the school can proceed but council documents put online yesterday reveal the planning staff have advised against it. They said the development would generate too much traffic and did not comply with local rules for building work.

"The development will also compromise important cultural, agricultural and heritage views and vistas of the Camden floodplain," the council report says, adding that it would diminish the availability of grazing land.

"The applicant has also failed to demonstrate the site is free of contamination and therefore council cannot be satisfied that there will not be a risk to students' health," it says.

Although the proposed school was to have catered to both Muslim and non-Muslim children, the council noted that "there has been considerable community concern that the proposed development will either directly or indirectly result in a change to the cultural composition of Camden".

The Mayor of Camden, Chris Patterson, said the development application had nothing to do with religion.

"I have said all along that this is an issue that's not a religious issue, it's not a nationalistic issue. It's an issue to be based on planning," Cr Patterson said.

"We have professional staff who will do their report based on the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and I have every faith that our officers have had no influence from councillors. It's now up to the councillors to take in the report and make a decision on Tuesday evening."

The spokesman for the Quranic Society Dar Tahfez El-Quran, Jeremy Bingham, is overseas and was unable to be reached.

Mr Nile said he would attend Tuesday night's meeting to speak in support of the council officer's recommendation.

"I hope and pray the council will accept this recommendation and be courageous to make the right decision," he said.

"They are there to represent the community and to maintain that environment. I personally think the council should have the power to take into account a range of issues including religious issues, social, moral and environmental issues."

Mr Nile confirmed that the Committee for Public Affairs Education, which has organised protests and petitions against the proposed school, was made up of members of his party but said "no protests have been organised at the Christian Democratic Party management level".